Congressos e periódicos
Esta página contém uma relação de congressos e periódicos relacionados com comportamento adaptativo em sistemas computacionais
Título | Organização | Tipo | Descrição | FI / Qualis |
ICAC - International Conference on Autonomic Computing | IEEE | Congresso | ICAC is the oldest conference on autonomic computing techniques, foundations, and applications. The conference seeks latest research advances on science and engineering concerning all aspects of autonomic computing, including but not limited to the following main research topics: Foundations, Resource Management in Data Centers, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT), Self-Organization and Organic Computing, Emerging Computing Paradigms: Cognitive Computing, Self-Aware Computing, and Software Engineering for Autonomic Computing Systems: Architecture, Specifications, Assurances. | - |
ICCAC - International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing | IEEE | Congresso | The ICCAC conference seeks also papers on autonomic aspects of combining cloud computing with fog and edge computing. The goal is to continue our international forum focused on the latest research, applications, and technologies aimed at making cloud and autonomic computing systems and services easy to design, to deploy, and to implement, while also being self-manageable, self-regulating and scalable with little involvement of humans or system administrators. | - |
SASO - International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems | IEEE | Congresso | The aim of the Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing systems conference series (SASO) is to provide a forum for the foundations of a principled approach to engineering systems, networks and services based on self-adaptation and self-organization. The topics of interest to SASO include, but are not limited to: Systems theory, System properties, Systems engineering, Theory and practice of organization, Theory and practice of adaptation, Socio-technical systems, Data-driven approaches, Self-adaptive and self-organizing hardware, Education, Applications and experiences with self-* systems in Smart systems, Industrial automation, Transportation, Autonomous systems, Internet of Things. | - |
ICAS - International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems | IARIA | Congresso | The major trends for ICAS are: SELFTRENDS(Toward brain-like autonomic and autonomous systems), Robot-related trends, Advances in system automation, Driver-less cars and unmanned vehicles, Theory and Practice of Autonomous Systems, Design and Deployment of Context-awareness Networks, Services and Applications, Autonomic Computing: Design and Management of Self-behavioral Networks and Services, Cloud computing and Virtualization, Monitoring, Control, and Management of Autonomous Self-aware and Context-aware Systems, Automation in specialized mobile environments, Algorithms and theory for control and computation, Modeling, virtualization, any-on-demand, MDA, SOA, Self-adaptability and self-management of context-aware systems, Knowledge-based user interface, Adaptive management and mobility. | - |
ADAPTIVE - Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications | IARIA | Congresso | The major trends for ADAPTIVE are: Trends in adaptive and self-adaptive systems, Fundamentals and design of adaptive systems, Adaptive entities, Adaptive mechanisms, Adaptive applications, Adaptivity in robot systems, Self-adaptation, Self-adaptation applications, Computational Trust for Self-Adaptive Systems, and Assurances and metrics for adaptive and self-adaptive systems. | - |
SEAMS - International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems | ICSE | Congresso | The SEAMS symposium focuses on applying software engineering to these approaches, including methods, techniques, processes and tools that can be used to support self-* properties like self-protection, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-configuration. The objective of SEAMS is to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas to investigate, discuss, and examine the fundamental principles, the state of the art, and critical challenges of engineering self-adaptive and self-managing systems. | - |
TAAS - ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | ACM | Periódico | ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) is a venue for high quality research contributions addressing foundational, engineering, and technological aspects related to all those complex ICT systems that have to serve - in autonomy and with capabilities of autonomous adaptation - in highly dynamic socio-technico-physical environments. | 2,133 / - |
Journal of Software Maintainance and evolution | ACM | Periódico | The “Journal of Software: Evolution and Process” is an archival journal that publishes high quality, state-of-the-art research and practice papers dealing with the conception, development, testing, management, quality, maintenance, and evolution of software, systems, and services, as well as the continuous improvement of processes and capabilities surrounding them. The journal publishes research papers, empirical studies and state-of-the-art surveys. Occasionally, we publish special issues on topics of particular interest; proposals for such issues are welcome. | 1,033 / - |
JAMC - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing | Springer | Periódico | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (JAMC) is a broad-based journal covering all branches of computational or applied mathematics with special encouragement to researchers in theoretical computer science and mathematical computing. It covers all major areas, such as numerical analysis, discrete optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, theory of computation, control theory, theory of algorithms, computational logic, applied combinatorics, coding theory, cryptograhics, fuzzy theory with applications, differential equations with applications. | (H)19 / - |
KER - The Knowledge Engineering Review | Cambridge | Periódico | The Knowledge Engineering Review is committed to the development of the field of artificial intelligence and the clarification and dissemination of its methods and concepts. KER publishes: analyses - high quality surveys providing balanced but critical presentations of the primary concepts in an area; technical tutorials and detailed introductions to an area; application and country surveys, commentaries and debates; book reviews; abstracts of recent PhDs in artificial intelligence; summaries of AI-related research projects; and a popular 'from the journals' section, giving the contents of current journals in theoretical and applied artificial intelligence. | 1,510 / B2 |
Advanced Engineering Informatics | Elsevier | Periódico | - | 2,680 / - |
IJICC - International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics | Emerald | Periódico | The objectives of International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics are to discuss, through papers, new theoretical developments and techniques in the fields of intelligent computing and cybernetics. The scope will include, but is not limited to: Adaptive dynamic programming, Self-adjusting systems, learning, multi-agent systems, Planning and uncertainty handling, decision theory, Data mining, cluster analysis, forecasting, discrete event dynamic systems, ambient intelligence, Evolutionary computation, function approximation, unsupervised learning, fuzzy systems, Bio-inspired computation, genetic algorithms, differential evolution, Cloud computing, granular computing, grid computing, DNA computing, brain inspired computing, Image processing, Natural language processing, Mathematical optimization and models, Big data, Evolvable hardware, cyber-physical systems, smart grids, Intelligent control, Flexible manipulators, unmanned aerial systems, unmanned underwater vehicles, missiles, satellites, robotics, manufacturing systems, swarm robotics, hybrid systems, human-robot interaction, real-time systems, virtual reality, augmented reality. | (H)11 / B3 |
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | IEEE | Periódico | - | 7,384 / A1 |
Journal of Systems and Software | Elsevier | Periódico | The Journal of Systems and Software publishes papers covering all aspects of software engineering and related hardware-software-systems issues. All articles should include a validation of the idea presented, e.g. through case studies, experiments, or systematic comparisons with other approaches already in practice. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: methods and tools for, and empirical studies on, software requirements, design, architecture, verification and validation, maintenance and evolution, agile, model-driven, service-oriented, open source and global software development, approaches for mobile, multiprocessing, real-time, distributed, cloud-based, dependable and virtualized systems, human factors and management concerns of software development, data management and big data issues of software systems, metrics and evaluation, data mining of software development resources, business and economic aspects of software development processes. | 2,444 / B2 |