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Ferramentas Pessoais
Laboratório de Linguagens e Técnicas Adaptativas
Você está aqui: Página Inicial WAT WAT 2017 Paper format

Paper format


The submitted paper must be formatted according to the guidelines of Procedia Computer Science, MS Word Template, Latex, Template Generic, Elsevier.



Submitted technical papers must be no longer than 6 pages including all figures, tables and references.



All accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentations and will be included in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to present the work.

Laboratório de Linguagens e Técnicas Adaptativas
Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
© 2015 LTA-EPUSP