- José Neto, Almeida Júnior e Santos, 1998 - Synchronized statecharts for reactive systems
- Neto, J. J., Almeida Jr. J. R. and Novaes dos Santos, J. M. Synchronized Statecharts for Reactive Systems. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation, Honolulu, Hawaii, p.246-251, 1998.
- José Neto e Iwai, 1998 - Adaptive automata for syntax learning
- Neto, J. J. e Iwai, M. K. Adaptive Automata for Syntax Learning. CLEI 98 - XXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica, MEMORIAS. pp. 135-149, Quito, Equador, 1998.